Searching for 350 American Women Volunteers

Searching for 350 American Women Volunteers

Meet historian Elodie Moriau. Elodie Moriau has conducted research for the Franco-American Museum of Blérancourt since her time at the University of Paris La Sorbonne, studying American History in 2021. For the last few weeks, she has been investigating the stories of the 350 remarkable American women who volunteered alongside Anne Morgan and joined the Comité Americain pour les Régions Dévastés (CARD – American Committee for Devastated Regions) during the First World War in France.

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2023 Annual Gala in New York: Women for Peace

2023 Annual Gala in New York: Women for Peace

At a time when conflicts and divisions are multiplying, the 2023 American Friends of the Franco-American Museum, Chateau de Blérancourt gala dinner recognized two American leaders, women who personify the quest for peace and resolution: Ambassador Melanne Verveer and General Rose Keravuori.

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